"How To Triple your Sales BY GETTING YOUR INTERNET Marketing RIGHT"

Over 166 pages Of AMAZING info that will change the way you look at Internet Marketing! Based on real world examples & case studies of other Hospice Care companies.

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Over 153 pages Of AMAZING info that will change the way you look at Internet Marketing! Based on real world examples & case studies of other plumbing & HVAC contractors.

Get the Best Selling Book on Internet Marketing for Hospice Care Marketing FREE! Limited Time Offer!

Over 166 pages Of AMAZING info that will change the way you look at Internet Marketing! Based on real-world examples & case studies of other Hospice Care companies.

Let Me Tell You WHY I'm Making This Offer, and WHY I Want You to Have This Book.

We truly enjoy helping people just like you increase your sales & business by getting your internet marketing right.

There is so much misinformation out there and I've heard so many horror stories from other Hospice Care companies about how they have been burned by marketing companies that we know this information can have a huge impact on you and your life.

From a business standpoint, it may turn out to be the most important book you’ll ever read. That’s because the book inside explains in detail.

How Hospice Care Marketing can Triple Sales by getting the Internet Marketing right!

This book is unlike anything you’ve seen before. Why? Because we've tested EVERY SINGLE STRATEGY that we discuss in this book. This book features actual examples and case studies of roofing companies just like yours.

It details how these companies followed our simple Internet Marketing Success Blueprint to take their business visibility online from zero to growing at a rate higher than ever before.

Meet The Author

Brian Frantz

Our mission as a company is to help our clients increase their sales & grow their revenues as a direct result of our services.

Our team is passionate about helping Hospice Care companies. to have more effectively marketing online via SEO, PPC, Web Design, Social Media Marketing, eMail Marketing, and other Online Marketing channels.

We care deeply about our client & their results. The whole team rallies around our client successes and we celebrate as a team when they expand their fleet, grow & hit their goals.

We look forward to helping you take your Hospice Care business to the next level!

Here’s a small sample of the profit-boosting secrets our book reveals: 
  • ​Dominate the search engine rankings and Google Maps. Become the dominant hospice care company on Google in your market and crush your competition! (The little-known secrets of ranking in the top 3 Maps Spots on Google in your local market! Spend less on advertising, and become better known via organic search placement! You'll be able to have more leads coming in than the bigger companies with monstrous marketing budgets.

  •  A step-by-step, do-it-yourself Internet Marketing system you can succeed with on your own that has been used by tons of hospice care companies with success! Use our book as your action plan for creating your own success.

  • A High-Profit, Low-Cost Internet Marketing Strategy That Will Triple Your Sales in the next 12 Months.

  • ​How to design a website that converts online visitors to MORE inbound calls and lead forms! (Having a website that gets traffic doesn't do anything for your bottom-line… unless… it’s optimized to get your phones ringing off the hook!)

  •  The main differences between Paid Listings, Map Listings, and Organic Listings in Google! (Plus, which of the three is the MOST important for dominating your market online)

  •  A list of the most-commonly searched hospice care keywords… AND… how to customize these keywords specific to your local geographic area! (No guessing! This is a list of over 100+ hospice care keywords we use for our SEO & PPC campaigns on a regular basis!)

  •  How to become instantly trustworthy and look credible to your website visitors! If you don't get this right, you better believe your website visitors will making a quick exit to the door!

  • ​Why it’s critical to set up a “mobile-responsive” website… (If you hope to capture maximum market share! (Google has said that over 50% of worldwide web traffic is now on mobile phones. You MUST take advantage!)

  • ​Learn how to consistently receive “5 star reviews” from current and past customers. We'll help you set up a system to gather these reviews on an consistent basis!

  • ​How to become an authority in your area. How you can build links to your website on a consistent basis and help Google give you the rankings you deserve!

  •  Google Ads & Pay-Per-Click Advertising Secrets: Why most hospice care companies fail miserably at PPC advertising and how to ensure a positive ROI (Plus our #1 secret that helps us crush your competition and get more calls than ever before!)

  •  Tracking Return On Investment (ROI): What you should be doing to accurately track how your marketing is working for your business. I reveal three tools to help you understand exactly where you stand with your marketing dollars. This is the ONLY way you’ll know what’s working and… what needs tweaking or replacing so you get more “bang” from every dollar you put into marketing!)

Learn how to setup your website right way for conversions to ensure that you'll get more leads and calls than your competitors.

Our tested strategy for ranking #1 in Google Maps and using Google Paid Ads to dominate the front page of Google in your local area. You'll see more calls than ever before!

You should break up each page’s content into sub headers. This allows users to easily skim the page to find what they want, as well as allows you to incorporate your other synonym keywords in headers to help with On-Page SEO.


There are some of the incredibly useful tactics that you are going to learn inside of this book. I wanted to show you some of my favorite stuff here!
Check out a few more closely guarded secrets revealed in our Free Book:
  • How the search engines work (PPC vs. map listings vs. organic) and what you need to do to handle each for maximum return.

  • How the map listings work & how to get your hospice care company listed on the map.

  • Our search engine optimization strategy for Hospice Care Companies.

  • ​The 38 most frequently searched hospice care keywords. This single insight is invaluable for you as a hospice care company.

  • ​The most important online directories that you MUST be listed on.

  • ​Our social media strategy specifically for the hospice care industry.
This Is A Truly Limited Offer, So Claim Yours Now Before They're All Gone. Click on the Button Below!